Technology classrooms feature a variety of equipment for instructional use.
This equipment can include:
- Clickers – Student Response Systems
- Crestron Touch Panels (in classrooms and computer labs)
- Wireless Presentation (Crestron AirMedia)
Technology Carts
Technology carts contain multi-inputs and outputs for projection of both computer and video sources. Crestron touch-panel control systems allow for simple switching of sources. Sources include:
- The host computer – the computer that is included with the technology cart
- Your own laptop, which you can connect via either VGA or HDMI inputs
- campus cable
- Blu-ray
- Document camera and wireless presentation (Crestron AirMedia)
- All technology carts are equipped with a wireless microphone for amplification and accessibility.

Crestron Touch-Panel Control System
Crestron Touch-Panel Control Systems are installed in many classrooms.
These systems alleviate the need for multiple remote controls in the room and provide a user-friendly interface.

All technology classrooms are equipped with Dell PCs. End users are local administrators on the computer and have rights to install new software or plugins on the computer. However, upon logout all changes made to the computer will be erased. This includes any files saved to the computer (e.g, files saves in My Documents or the Desktop).
Computers are connected to the MSU network via Ethernet. Instructors may access the internet, connect to online collaborative spaces or storage, or use other MSU network resources, such as Spartan 365.
The software configuration in technology classrooms is the same as is in computer labs.
Standard on PC systems:
- LCD Monitor
- Windows 10
- Microsoft Office and many other applications
- Video/Data Projectors
High brightness video/data projectors are permanently mounted in the technology classrooms.
Video/Data Projectors
High brightness video/data projectors are permanently mounted in technology classrooms.