Author: itcomm

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This document offers a brief overview of the updates and changes that you can expect to see in Version 10.1 of the Desire2Learn learning management system at Michigan State University. Click the link below to download a printable version.

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According to the company, that learning environment has been updated with these features:

  • Video Note allows the user to use a webcam and then drop a video into the course content;
  • Universal Drag and Drop File Upload simplifies the addition of files into course content from external sources (such as the user's desktop);
  • The ability to create new material, such as assignments, quizzes, and discussions inside content without having to do it from within a popup or navigating to another function;
  • Inline document conversion and rendering for Microsoft Office and PDF files;
  • A beefed up HTML editor that allows for insertion of audio and video in place;
  • Quicker access to restrictions and date management;
  • A new class progress dashboard to provide student progress at a glance for instructors; and
  • A revamped User Progress function that improves on visualizations and streamlined navigation among users, courses, and tools.
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This page will prepare you for the D2L Conversion Lab.

  • Basic course conversion: 1 minute
  • Waiting time for conversion to complete: up to 24 hours
Why this is important

Each ANGEL course or group can only be converted to the Desire2Learn (D2L) system once using the D2L conversion tool. Read Full Article →

Faculty D2L Resources

D2L Faculty Help Documentation – A D2L produced self-help center that allows you to learn D2L features/functionality.  This resource is updated at the same time our system is upgraded so you always have the latest training materials.

D2L Faculty Quick Start Guide – This is an MSU produced quick start guide designed to help you get up to speed quickly.   Read Full Article →


Reduce your legal liability by better understanding how to interpret and apply copyright law to teaching, research, and scholarship.

  February 14, 2013 – 1:00 to 2:30 (Agenda below) February 28, 2013 – 1:00 to 2:30 (Agenda below) North Conference Room (W449 Main Library)     How copyright and fair use laws apply to teaching, research, and publications is not always clear. Read Full Article →


D2L Conversion Labs will be held around campus to provide instructors with a hands-on course conversion experience to facilitate smoother transitions to Desire2Learn (D2L). Conversion labs are held through MSU IT Services and co-sponsored by the Office of Faculty and Organizational Development.

Two instructional designers from IT Services – Learning Design and Technology (LearnDAT) will spend the first half of the class going over the basic tools and ideas in D2L that you will need to understand in order to create a successful learning experience for your students. Read Full Article →