
MSU IT Services is testing staplers near the Netprint printers in 143 Brody, Owen Hall (pictured), and 337 S. Case.
Staplers are installed on chains and include a box of staples for refills as needed. The Brody location is also testing a hole punch.
This 90-day pilot takes place in three high-volume printing locations. Read Full Article →

Join us next Wednesday, February 13, at 10:30am at Wills house for a very special Mindshare with Nexus Academy!
Nexus, is a tuition-free public high school that delivers a supportive blend of online and face-to-face instruction that’s personalized to fit unique student needs, goals, and interests.
Here at LearnDAT, we specialize in partnering with the MSU Teaching and Learning community in planning, budgeting, staffing, organizing, delivering and assessing degree/certificate programs as well as individual courses. Read Full Article →

MSU IT Services oversees computer labs and technology classrooms in public buildings on campus.
This post provides background on why the login times in computer labs are different from personal computers, as well as ways IT Services is improving log ins.
Background on login timesThe most frequent question we get asked is: “Why does it take so long to boot up and log in to computer lab computers?” Read Full Article →

MSU has signed a hosting and licensing agreement with the Zoom cloud-based web conferencing platform. This agreement was the culmination of a partnership between several colleges on campus and IT Services.
Zoom platformMSU users can log in to Zoom at using their MSU NetID and password. (Read step-by-step log in instructions.) Read Full Article →

To enhance teaching and learning at Michigan State University, IT Services holds an annual awards program funded by AT&T to both recognize and encourage best practices in the use of instructional technology.
The AT&T Faculty-Staff Instructional Technology Awards program recognizes outstanding contributions to the use and development of information technology for teaching and learning in credit-bearing courses at MSU. Read Full Article →

MSU Learning Design and Technology would like to invite you participate as a team for the ELI short course "Designing and Delivering a Quality MOOC, February 19, February 27, and March 6 from 1:00-2:30pm E.T. Read Full Article →

During November and December of 2013, Target users had their debit and credit card information exposed to hackers. Target did what was expected and sent emails to customers assuring them that the company was doing everything possible to protect them.
Hackers, taking advantage of the situation, sent out fake Target emails that looked like Target’s own reassuring email. Read Full Article →

The MSU Attendance System, currently available as wall-mounted card swipes in 12 lecture-style rooms, will be retired upon completion of the spring semester 2014.
Historical attendance data will be available on an as-needed basis for one year past the system retirement date.
BackgroundMSU IT Services consulted with the Undergraduate Assistant and Associate Deans Group, the Learning Systems Advisory Group, the University Classroom Committee, and other academic groups prior to making this decision. Read Full Article →

Access to several core university systems – including ANGEL, Desire2Learn, and computer lab machines – was disrupted Saturday, January 4, between 7:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. The source of the problem was traced to a device that was overloading IT Services’ datacenter network and disrupting traffic to the Shibboleth identity authorization system used by the affected services. Read Full Article →

IT Services has received clearance to test Microsoft Office 365 internally, within their organization. Following this test, pilots with interested innovators will begin to evaluate Office 365 as an option for MSU departments and colleges to use for email, calendaring , and other services.
IT Services is building a team dedicated to the implementation of Office 365 and is now working directly with Microsoft consultants on the current CampusAD and authentication structure at Michigan State University in preparation of rolling Office 365 out to campus. Read Full Article →